Rania Berrada, life like an impossible dream

Rania Berrada life like an impossible dream

Rania Berrada publishes with Belfond editions her first novel ” Najat or survival », the moving and courageous portrait of a young Moroccan woman who clings to her dreams despite the countless compromises and obstacles that life has in store for her.

“In life, you don’t always get what you want, and sometimes you have to lower your expectations.” This sentence – which may seem innocuous – is found on page 63 of Rania Berrada’s novel, and summarizes in a few words the fate of her heroine who is called Najat.

Is she really a heroine? The question may arise, because Najat is anything but a victorious icon of absolute success. She is a young woman like there are millions, with dreams of love and family, dreams of freedom and self-fulfilment. Dreams that she will always strive to achieve, despite the pitfalls, the disappointments, the betrayals, the blows of fate. Despite all this, she will never give up. And it is in this that Najat is a heroine, a survivor.

Najat or survival “, the first novel by Rania Berrada has just been released by Belfond editions.

Reportage : Sidonie Gaucher went to the Yves Saint Laurent museum in Marrakech for the “Studio KO” exhibition to be visited until July 4th. She explores for VMDN with the director Alexis Sornin the famous gardens of the museum, imagined in the 1920s by the French painter and designer Jacques Majorelle.
