Ran away from hospital – and stole a car

At nine o’clock on Thursday evening, a woman was robbed of her car in a parking garage next to the Sahlgrenska hospital in Gothenburg.

The man who stole the car from the woman had become aggressive a while earlier and escaped from the Sahlgrenska hospital where he was admitted.

– It is not known why, but regardless he chose to leave the hospital, says police spokesperson August Brandt.

Collided with house facade

According to the police, the man allegedly forced the woman into her own car. However, the woman must have managed to escape, whereupon the man left the scene with her car.

After the car theft, the man drove towards Mölndal where he collided with a house facade, and the man then left the scene.

The incidents are currently being investigated as unlawful deprivation of liberty, robbery and contamination from the scene of a traffic accident. The man has not yet been arrested.
