Rambo star Sylvester Stallone regrets muscle madness: “Kills you”

Rambo star Sylvester Stallone regrets muscle madness Kills you

Besides Rambo, Rocky is probably the biggest cult role in Sylvester Stallone’s career. The character made him a legend as a film star, but physically it was extremely demanding. Now Stallone has reminded of the hard Rocky training again to issue a warning at the same time.

Sylvester Stallone warns against extreme training

The action star has now shared a new post on Instagram with which he is addressing himself particularly heavy back training remembered for Rocky with Bruce Lee as a model. In addition, Sly warns that excessive exercise and contortions cause lifelong damage to the body:

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FLASHBACK. no wonder my back hurts! When TRAINING, remember that EVERY exercise has far-reaching consequences. Knees, elbows, shoulders, ankles, wrists, neck, if you push it too far those strenuous moves will come back to haunt you. That’s why I always said getting in really good shape is killing you! lol

Stallone in particular should know exactly how hard training feels. The action star has had to keep herself muscular and in shape even as she matures for roles like the Expendables series.

Along with training and supplementing with certain substances to promote muscle growth, it’s not surprising that Long-term damage to the action legend to make noticable.

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