Ramadan message from the Vatican – World News

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Vatican has published a message of goodwill towards the Islamic world due to the month of Ramadan. The message prepared by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue emphasized the suffering caused by the coronavirus epidemic. In the statement, which stated that the epidemic cost the lives of millions of people, with the beginning of the month of Ramadan, “We also pray for those who lost their lives in pain and hope and for the sick.”

The importance of sharing was emphasized in the message published in different languages. In the message, which stated that many people are living with economic and social problems such as unemployment and poverty due to the coronavirus epidemic, it was noted that sharing is more important than ever, and it was stated that sharing is not only financial, but also sharing pain and happiness is a part of human life.

At the end of the message, it was hoped that the entire Muslim world would have a peaceful and fruitful Ramadan and an enthusiastic holiday.
