Ramadan: Eid celebration, end of the fast

Ramadan Eid celebration end of the fast

RAMADAN 2022. The Eid holiday takes place this Monday, May 2, as originally announced. This Sunday, May 1 is therefore the 30th and last day of Ramadan.

When is Eid in France?

This year in France, the feast of Eid al-Fitr takes place as planned this Monday, May 2, 2022. It was on the occasion of the Night of Doubt which took place this Saturday April 30 at the Great Mosque of Paris, that the date has been made official by the Muslim authorities. Still called “Little party”, as opposed to the Big party of theEid el-Kebir, Eid al-Fitr gives rise to various festivities. After a prayer at the mosque, Muslims, on the occasion of a hearty lunch, can offer themselves gifts or different dishes starting with pastries. This is also the time to fulfill the religious obligation of zakat, namely charity.

What is the end date of Ramadan 2022?

The end of the month of Ramadan therefore takes place this Sunday, May 1, which is the 30th day of Ramadan, and therefore, Monday, May 2 is a day dedicated to the feast of Eid el Fitr.

Zakat El Fitr: the amount fixed at 7 euros

It is also a tradition that practitioners adorn themselves with new clothes and give alms for breaking the fast dedicated to the poor and called Zakat El Fitr. This custom thus makes it possible to validate the fasting month of Ramadan. It is generally the father of the family who pays a sum of one amount of 7 euros to each member of the family for whom he is responsible.

What is the origin of Ramadan?

To find the origin of Ramadan, we must go back to the year 610. The angel Gabriel would have appeared to the prophet Muhammad in order to reveal the Koran to him. This revelation – Laylat al-Qadr or Night of Destiny – would have occurred during Ramadan. It is to commemorate this event that Muslims practice fasting for a month. Formed by the Arabic root “ar-ramad”, Ramadan means “scorching heat”.

What to eat during Ramadan?

Dates, Chorba, Harira, semolina, wheat, oriental pastries… Each evening, when the sun goes down, the fast can be broken. It’s’iftar, or the evening meal. Until dawn – hour of theimsak – Muslims are allowed to eat and drink.

What are the prohibitions during Ramadan?

In addition to fasting, practitioners must observe very strict behavioral rules and respect certain prohibitions. During this ascetic period, they will not be able to have sex during the day, smoke, make obscene remarks or wear makeup. It is important to note that inadvertent eating does not imply atonement or catch-up fasting. The stunned thus benefits from a certain indulgence. Conversely, a deliberate transgression of the rules recommended by Ramadan annuls the fast. Finally, Muslims practicing Ramadan pray five times a day, one of the prayers taking place at the time of breaking the fast. Since the time of prayers is determined by the movement of the sun, they must refer to a calendar of prayer times.

Who can follow Ramadan?

All pubescent people are targeted by the fast. Some Muslims may however be exempted from this practice in strictly defined cases: in case of chronic illness, pregnancy, travel or old age.

To wish a happy Ramadan to loved ones, it is customary to pronounce “Ramadan Mubarak!”
