Ramadan and health: precautions, what risks, what to eat?

Ramadan and health precautions what risks what to eat

Ramadan is a period of fasting that requires precautions to avoid health risks, including hypoglycemia, excessive fatigue or discomfort. How many meals per day? What to eat? What to drink to hold on?

Ramadan is a young Who is theone of the five pillars of Islam. Fasting allows the body to rest to purify itself. The human body is then cleansed of old cells, fats, waste and toxins that have accumulated during the year through its diet and activity.explains a document from the Ministry of Health of Morocco. But fasting remains hard on body and mind. He is moreover Avoid for sick people, pregnant women or during menstruation. What advice on how to tolerate it well and not put your health at risk ? How avoid hypoglycemia ? What Foods to eat when breaking the fast For benefit from nutrients All day long ? what to drink to avoid dehydration? Tips to prepare and have a good Ramadan.

How many meals can you eat during Ramadan?

During Ramadan, practitioners refrain from eat and of drink shortly before sunrise and ends at sunset. According to the Moroccan Ministry of Health, “according to specialists, our diet during the holy month should not differ from our usual diet and should be as simple as possible. We must continue to eat 3 mealswith some specificities related to fasting“.

The more we will be tired, the less we will have resistance.

During the month of Ramadan, we do one or two meals in a day instead of the usual three. It will therefore be necessary to choose the foods that we consume and distribute them well during the period when we are allowed to eat and drink. “I do not necessarily advise to “prepare” for a Ramadan because this period is already difficult enough as it is. On the other hand, you have to try not to accumulate too much fatigue before starting a Ramadan because the more we will be tired, the less resistance we will have, says Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist. If it’s possible, take a nap in the early afternoon during the month of Ramadan and limit your physical exertion during the hottest hours (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.). “The advice that I give to my patients who are doing Ramadan actually have points in common with those that I give for intermittent fasting“, wishes to indicate our interlocutor.

What to eat in the evening during Ramadan?

For the meal for breaking the fast (in the evening): it is advisable to consume a sufficient dose of carbohydrates to bring energy to your body after a day of fasting and avoid hypoglycemia. Attention, you should not have a high carbohydrate meal either because, as the body has not consumed food for the day, it will tend to store this carbohydrate intake in the form of fat. So if you do not want to gain weight during Ramadan, while avoiding cravings and strokes, it is better to focus on the intake of other nutrients“, advises our interlocutor. Also, it is necessary avoid processed foods or foods high in refined sugar such as cakes, crisps or prepared meals that promote cravings and do not help the body to last all day.

→ Meal for breaking the ideal fast:

  • Vegetable soup or brothto primarily rehydrate the body after a day of fasting and provide satiety as well as minerals at the start of a meal“, specifies Raphaël Gruman.
  • A portion of animal or vegetable proteinsuch as 80 g of meat or fish, two eggs, 200 g of cooked lentils or tofu…
  • One serving of whole grains such as 100 to 150 g of cooked brown rice or 200 g of cooked whole pasta…”Taking whole carbohydrates, which are high in fiber, will regulate carbohydrate absorption. In addition, they are more satiating and have a lower glycemic index than white cereals. The body can use this intake of complete carbohydrates as a continuous power source for the next day“, says the nutritionist.
  • A dairy (a yoghurt for example) “because it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep“, underlines our interlocutor.
  • A fresh fruit such as an apple, a peach, two slices of melon or pineapple… and/or a handful of dried fruit (dates, dried apricots, etc.)

What to eat in the morning during Ramadan?

The second meal (before sunrise) may occur at 4 a.m. depending on the time of sunrise. However “I advise not to skip the meal before sunrise, that is to say the morning mealadvocates Raphaël Gruman. For this meal, it is recommended to eat salty foods because salt allows the body to retain water (this is the principle of water retention : when you have a diet too rich in salt, water accumulates in the tissues which will attract and retain water, editor’s note), which will allow the body to stay hydrated all day“.

Ideal breakfast:

  • A great teaa large infusion or a large glass of water “to rehydrate well and be able to stock up on water for the rest of the day“, he specifies.
  • A slice of turkey (for protein intake and salt intake)
  • Two eggs because proteins provide a very long satiety“, reports our interlocutor.
  • A piece of cheese (for protein intake and salt intake)
  • Two slices of wholemeal bread or cereals (for carbohydrate and fiber intake)
  • A fruit (for vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates)

Can we drink water during Ramadan?

No. Drinking cancels the fast, even if it means drinking water. However “drinking or eating by mistake” does not invalidate the fast, highlights the Great Mosque of Paris. To stay hydrated while breaking the fast:

►”In addition to the evening broth and some great morning hot drink, you must drink lots of water (the equivalent of 1.5L drunk several times)” advise our interlocutor

If it is very hot, during a heat wave for example, we tend to sweat more and lose more water and mineral salts. “I recommend to my patients who are doing Ramadan to drink a drink that I generally recommend to athletes who are preparing for a marathon. It’s simple to do: in a 1.5 L bottle of water, add a small briquette of fruit juice (grape or apple for example), two pinches of salt and mixrecommends our specialist. On the other hand, there is no need to take sports drinks (Powerade© or Apurna© type) which are much too sweet and will dry out more than hydrate“.

What nutrition advice after Ramadan?

Ramadan usually ends with a caloric meal.To prevent the body from storing too much, it is advisable to be careful the two/three days following this meal and to reduce your caloric intake a little to compensateadvises Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist. Furthermore, it is necessary adjust meal times quickly and distribute them in a balanced way throughout the day: breakfast, lunch – possibly a snack and dinner – to find a progressive rhythm“.

What are the exemptions for not doing Ramadan?

As explained by Great Mosque of Paristhere are several exceptions to the fasting of the month of Ramadan related to different reasons for “not to endanger the health of the Muslim”. The following are exempt from fasting:

  • children before puberty
  • elderly people with failing health
  • people with a disease unsuitable for fasting (after medical advice)
  • pregnant women who have a difficult or risky pregnancy (consult a doctor for this),
  • women who have just given birth, who are breastfeeding their child (up to two years old)
  • menstruating women: if a woman menstruates during her fast, the fast becomes invalid even if the bleeding occurs just before sunset; she will have to make up the fast of the day concerned and the following days necessary
  • people making a trip of more than 84 km

What are the precautions to take in case of illness?

Fasting induces dehydration and can induce an aggravation of certain pathologies such as digestive ulcer, diabetes, kidney, liver or cardiovascular pathologies. However, patients who regularly follow the treatments without other complications of the disease and without contraindications of the doctor can fast. When the disease is complicated, with kidney or heart failure for example, it is not recommended to fast. For all patients who can do Ramadan, it is advisable to do a consultation before, during and after Ramadan.

​​​​​​​Can you exercise during Ramadan?

According to specialists, fasting people who wish to practice sport must remain cautious and attentive to their bodies and moderate physical activity, especially before breaking the fast. It is recommended to focus on walking for 30 to 60 minutes and to stop quickly if you feel unwell.

Thanks to Raphaël Gruman, dietician-nutritionist, author of the book “I treat myself with Mesonutrients” at Editions Leduc. S
