Rainbow Park camper jailed two months

A woman living in a tent at Rainbow Park in Sarnia has been jailed two months for an incident at the controversial homeless camp.

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A Sarnia courtroom heard police were called to the Christina Street South park on July 20 amid reports of an argument.

“Things got hostile, things being thrown as well,” assistant Crown attorney Meaghan Jones said.

Monique Major, who was out on bail and on probation at the time, was arrested that Saturday. After spending several weeks in the Sarnia Jail, Major pleaded guilty to two counts of breaching lease and one count of breaching probation. The rest of the charges were dropped and she was sentenced to 60 days behind bars.

The breaches were all linked to a man Major is convicted of assaulting whom she isn’t supposed to be around, unless he gives written permission to the probation office ahead of time. He also lives in Rainbow Park. One of the breaches took place two days after Major finished serving his assault sentence, an act Jones called a pretty egregious level of disrespect to the court. Another breach occurred eight days before the Rainbow Park incident.

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Defense lawyer Terry Brandon said the man, who also has been charged with crimes of violence against Major, was OK with having her around at the time, but he didn’t go through the proper channels by giving written consent.

“That procedure exists for a reason. It needs to be respected,” Jones said.

But both lawyers suggested making her new probation order focused on counseling instead of staying away from anyone. The judge agreed.

With dozens of people camping in Rainbow Park for several months, many with mental health and addiction needs, Sarnia and Lambton County officials are considering more encampment questions.

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