Rain, plus temperatures and melted snow cause high water

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

SMHI warns of high flows in watercourses in several parts of Götaland during the rest of the week, including in some places in Småland and Västergötland.

“We have an unstable weather situation, where several areas of rain have entered southern Sweden recently,” says Max Schildt, meteorologist at SMHI, to TT.

“It has also been plus degrees over the southern half of the country, where quite large amounts of snow fell last week,” he adds.

Värnamo, which is located by the river Lagan, is now receiving barriers from the Swedish Agency for Community Protection and Preparedness (MSB). The municipality’s own equipment is feared to be insufficient to protect the center from flooding.

Outside Skillingaryd, the emergency services have built dikes to stop water that overflowed from Österån.

“It’s probably 10-15 centimeters in the dog yard,” says Carina Strid Bjurhager, resident outside Skillingaryd, to P4 Jönköping.

No relief is in sight until after the weekend.

— There will be more rain and continued plus temperatures. It is only at the beginning of next week that it can get colder. During Sunday, an area of ​​precipitation will come in that can turn into snowfall also over southern Sweden, says Max Schildt at SMHI.

But when the low pressure of the weekend has passed, colder air may descend over the country.

— Then the temperature creeps down to the minus side even in southern Sweden, at least at night.
