Railway in Dalsland sabotaged – to make train traffic difficult

Railway in Dalsland sabotaged to make train traffic difficult

Updated 22:20 | Published 22:10

full screen Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT / TT News Agency

On the night of Monday, sabotage was carried out against the railway in several places in Dalsland, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

The police suspect that the purpose is to make train traffic more difficult, according to the information.

– There was a train stop. Electrical technicians had to go to the scene, says police spokesperson Peter Adlersson.

Shortly after midnight, the police were alerted about vandalism to a signal cabinet in Dalskog in Mellerud municipality.

The incident caused a halt in train traffic. And electrical technicians were called to the scene.

– We have been there and documented the damage, says police spokesperson Peter Adlersson.

According to Aftonbladet’s information, several similar acts of sabotage have been carried out around Mellerud and Bengtsfors municipalities. A signal cabinet worth over half a million is said to have been destroyed while signal cables were cut.

full screen Peter Adlersson, press spokesperson, police region West. Photo: The police

Serious damage

Nothing should have been stolen in connection with the sabotage. The police therefore suspect that the purpose is to make it difficult for rail traffic, according to the information.

– It doesn’t seem to be something that has been taken care of, so we have filed a report of serious damage, says police spokesperson Peter Adlersson.
