RAID hours, mega raids and legendary raid bosses

Which raids run at Pokémon Go in March 2025? We summarize the RAID bosses and show you the necessary counterattacks.

Raids in March: Which Pokémon can we challenge in March? Some, and especially in the mega raids, a few highlights are walking around this month.

Right at the beginning of the month we meet Mega-Lucario, later Mega-Sumpex is on the road. They are both among the best mega-Pokémon that you can use.

But what else is on? In any case, the classic RAID hours on Wednesday and the fight against various Raid bosses.

So that you have an overview, we will only show you the RAID hours in March, and further down you will find the RAID boss change in the current month with links to the counter against them.

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RAID hours in March 2025 at Pokémon Go

What time is the RAID hour? The RAID hours always run on Wednesdays, an hour from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. We summarize the bosses for you here, possible Shinys are marked with asterisks*.

AppointmentRaid bossMarch 5 with Arktos*, Zapdos*, Lavados*12. Marchraaid hour with Arktos*, Zapdos*, Lavados*19. Marchraaid hour with Kapu-Riki*26. Marchraaid hour with HEATRAN*

All raid bosses and mega raids in March 2025

Of course, not only raids are pending in March, but also a lot of other appointments. Among other things, Community Days are pending, and above all the new season with the title “Powerful and masterful”. When does what happens? You can easily check that here: We show you all events in March 2025 at Pokémon Go.
