Radio station run by women closes

Radio station run by women closes

Published: Less than 10 min ago

full screen Friday prayer in Kabul, Afghanistan during the fasting month of Ramadan. Photo: Ebrahim Noroozi/AP/TT

The ruling Taliban in Afghanistan have shut down a radio station after it allegedly played music during the fasting month of Ramadan.

The Department of Information and Culture in Dakhshan province says the decision is due to the station’s violation of “laws and regulations.”

The radio station Sadai Banowan, which means Voice of the Woman in Dari, is run primarily by women. The station was founded ten years ago.

The station’s director, Najia Sorosh, is surprised by the decision.

– The Taliban say that we have played music. We have not broadcast music of any kind during Ramadan, she tells the AP news agency.

The attack on the station was carried out on Thursday, when representatives of the Taliban effectively interrupted the broadcasts.

A large number of Afghanistan’s independent journalists have been forced to leave their jobs or flee after the Taliban took power, according to an independent journalists’ organization in the country.

Girls and women are prohibited from participating in education in Afghanistan from the equivalent sixth grade up to university level.
