Racing 92 – Toulon: Habosi offers the offensive bonus, the shock turns into a demonstration – LIVE

Racing 92 – Toulon Habosi offers the offensive bonus the

11:00 p.m. – Racing 92 makes short work of Toulon and gets its ticket to the final phase (43-7)

Thanks to six tries (Chouzenoux, Kamikamica, Nyakane, Habosi, Imhoff and Gibert), Racing 92 beat Toulon with the offensive bonus. The Varois, who saved their honor with Paillaugue, did not have the weapons to fight. Pierre Mignoni and Franck Azéma were forced to reshape their team to respect the average of 16 Players from French Formation (JIFF) at the end of the season. Thanks to this improved success, the Ciel et Blancs are qualified for the final phase. Toulon is almost eliminated from this race in the top six.

10:58 p.m. – Charles Ollivon: “We are disappointed with the result”

With Canal +, the captain of the Rouge et Noir analyzed this defeat: “We were not dominant on the fundamentals. We did not score in the first period. We missed tackles. We were not at the level. We learn even if we put a lot of energy. It’s not enough! We’re disappointed with the result, but I’m proud of the young people. Now, we’re going to have a Challenge Cup final. UBB will want to come and win in Mayol in two weeks. We will do the accounts at the end.”

22:55 – Antoine Gibert: “We are happy to be in the final phase”

At the microphone of Canal +, Gibert confided after this part: “It was hard. We did a good twenty minutes. Afterwards, we had difficulties, but we put things back in place. We are happy to be in the final phase and we have to get a result at Racing 92.”

22:48 – Gibert scores another try in this Racing 92 – Toulon (80th)

The opening half of Ciel et Blanc felt this pass from Danglot to slip between the poles. He is transformed by Russell into a drop. It’s the end of the game. Racing 92 won with the attacking bonus against Toulon (43-7).

22:44 – Racing 92 manages its advantage against Toulon (77th)

This end of the meeting is disjointed. The players are tired and the score is acquired.

22:40 – The scrum of Toulon recovers a penalty (74th)

Five meters from their in-goal, the Var forwards did the job. West finds a touch beyond his 22 yards.

22:35 – Kamikamica came very close to a huge penalty in this Racing 92 – Toulon (70th)

The third line cleared a player who was on the ground on the shoulder. It could have been a yellow card.

22:34 – Dréan unscrews his kick (68th)

The Var winger finds a touch just after his 22 meters. Racing 92 is heading for an improved victory.

22:33 – Le Garrec adds two new points (67th)

At 15 meters, in front of the poles, the Ciel et Blanc scrum-half made a success of his first attempt.

22:31 – Imhoff scores a try on the counterattack! (65th)

Following a feat by Gibert, the Argentinian is shifted into a corner. He lands an inside hook on West to spin into the in-goal.

22:28 – Tolofua misses a big opportunity in this Racing 92 – Toulon (64th)

The hooker quickly plays the penalty, and gives the ball to Gigashvili. There is a misunderstanding in the combination with a forward committed by the Georgian.

22:26 – Le Garrec finds a small touch (61st)

Under pressure after a Var counter-attack, the Toulonnais are now camped within 22 meters of Racing 92.

22:24 – Habosi recovers a ball kicked by Le Garrec (60th)

Toulon is hunkering down! The Racing 92 accelerates more and more.

22:22 – Russell adds two points in this Racing 92 – Toulon (57th)

In the corner, on the right, the Scottish opener transforms Habosi’s try!

22:20 – Habosi scores the offensive bonus try for Racing 92 against Toulon (57th)

Following a breakthrough from Fickou, in support, the Fijian scores in force despite the returns of Smaili and Domon.
