Rachline, mayor RN of Fréjus, “out of bed” by the gendarmerie for a muscular investigation

Rachline mayor RN of Frejus out of bed by the

David Rachline is the subject of an investigation for “active and passive corruption of elected”. In the event of a conviction, the Lépéniste risks big.

An investigation conducted in the greatest secrecy. Since January 2024, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) has opened a preparatory instruction for “favoritism leaders, concealment of favoritism, active and passive corruption of Élu, following the publication in November 2023 of the book raptors “learned the NEW OBS of judicial source. This book by journalist Camille Vigogne Le Coat, published in early 2023, severely challenges David Rachline for his management of the Var commune.

In recent months, an important gendarmerie investigation has targeted the mayor of Fréjus, at the heart of suspicions in this case. This Tuesday, the gendarmes of the Marseille research section came to pick up the elected lepian at daybreak. David Rachline was suspected when he “was out of bed in the early morning”, around 6 am, And seen landing at his home forty gendarmes, a magistrate and a specialized assistant of the PNF.

The police were responsible for searching the premises and seizing the telephones of the main executives of the town hall. The means implemented are of unprecedented scale in the region, specifies the weekly. “It would have been normal for the Var judicial police to deal with Fréjus. But it was advisable to leave the area,” said a source close to the file. The survey – conducted in secret by the national financial prosecution – was indeed relocated in the Bouches -du -Rhône to avoid leaks.

Rachline, targeted by two surveys

And for good reason: the seaside city of 56,000 inhabitants has been erected in the window of the national rally for years. Marine Le Pen has also organized many of her return and her summer. The former senator, David Rachline, mayor since 2014 of the Var commune, led the first presidential campaign of the far right elected official who brought her to the second round, in 2017.

So far, only the Draguignan prosecution had announced the opening of an investigation in December 2023, for “illegal taking of interest” against the elected official. As part of this procedure, the close to Marine Le Pen will pass the criminal court on September 30 in order to clarify the conditions of his election to the presidency of two mixed economy companies. Obviously, David Rachline’s judicial journey is far from over.

But the party vice-president is not the only one to be suspected by the PNF. The gendarmes also visited the headquarters of several companies affected by the public procurement of Fréjus, including the local BTP giant Alexandre Barbero, at the head of his holding HDI, reports The New Obs. If it is convicted of “active corruption and influence traffic”, David Rachline risks up to ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of 1,000,000 euros, according to article 433-1 Criminal code.
