Rachid Bouchareb, director of “Our Brothers”: the authorities “faced with an unimaginable situation”

Adam Amara plays Malik Oussekine: the two police officers responsible for his death will receive suspended sentences.

It was exactly 36 years ago, on the night of December 5 to 6, 1986, in Paris. Malik Oussekine dies after being beaten by police, while the city is plagued by demonstrations, in which the student did not take part. The case becomes the symbol of police blunders. But the same night, another young man of Algerian origin, Abdel Benyahia, was killed by an off-duty plainclothes policeman. The Franco-Algerian director Rachid Bouchareb recounts these events in Our Brothers, a subtle and poignant film, with Reda Kateb, Lyna Khoudri and Raphael Personnaz. The feature film will represent Algeria at the next Oscars ceremony. It will be released tomorrow, Wednesday December 7, on French screens.
