(Finance) – “Dress Code PINK” was the leitmotif of the extraordinary opening to the public of Corporate museum of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), Saturday 4 May.
With this initiative, aimed at Women in Pink of the non-profit association Susan G. Komen ItalyCDP hosted around 250 visitors at its headquarters in via Goito, showcasing the Group’s collections, an expression of 20th century industrial patronage.
The opening of the company museum to the public was organized as an accompanying activity to the Race for the Cure 2024Komen Italia’s flagship initiative to raise funds for the fight against breast tumors. At the event, scheduled in Rome, Sunday 12 May, professional athletes and enthusiasts will join. Among them there will be the team of CDP employees with more than 250 members.
This initiative is part of the broader corporate volunteering program “Impact Protagonists” which was born at the end of 2022 with the aim of strengthening the Group’s contribution to the sustainable development of the country.
In particular, the employees who join the project they donate time and skills participating in training initiatives for young people, raising funds for scientific research, supporting the most vulnerable and caring for the environment. Each employee has the opportunity to dedicate one working day a year to volunteering activities, to which you can add further hours of your free time. In 2023 they were organized further 30 activities aalongside 10 Third Sector partners for more than 3,000 hours of volunteer work.
As recently demonstrated by various studies, it is increasingly strategic for companies to invest in programs that personally involve employees in solidarity activities. These actions promote a culture oriented towards social impact, increase productivity and strengthen internal engagement.