Quentin Tarantino’s favorite actor was $400 down – then one role changed everything

Quentin Tarantinos favorite actor was 400 down then one

Star Trek star Chris Pine could hardly believe his luck when director icon Quentin Tarantino called him one of the best actors in Hollywood a few years ago and revealed himself to be a big fan of his work. However, Pine first had to earn such laurels. At the beginning of his career, the actor neither had Tarantino’s pride behind him nor much money in his account. On the contrary: only a special role saved him from a financial emergency.

Tarantino’s favorite Chris Pine got out of financial trouble with Suddenly Princess 2

As Chris Pine revealed in the episode Sunday Sitdown With Willie Geist (via Today ), he got his big break as blue-blooded bachelor Nicholas Devereaux in the romantic comedy Suddenly Princess 2, alongside When You Saw Me star Anne Hathaway:

It was midsummer and […] I had my silver flip phone with me and got a call from my agent. I pulled over to the side of the road and they told me ‘You get $65,000,‘ and that was like they told me I was going to make 50 million. It was absolutely earth-shattering.

Watch the trailer for Suddenly Princess 2 with Chris Pine here:

Suddenly Princess 2 – Trailer (German)

Before Suddenly Princess 2, Pine only had guest appearances in series such as Emergency Room and CSI: Miami. The fee negotiations for the comedy sequel ultimately only ended up at $15,000. Nevertheless, the sum was a lot of money for the young actor, which he could particularly use at that moment:

I had overdrawn my bank account and was about $400 in the red. I was about to ask my parents for money and then I got the $65,000 and knew exactly at that moment that my life has just changed forever. That didn’t last long because I owed my parents rent. But it was a crazy feeling. I’ll never forget that.Chris Pine’s directorial debut Poolman opens in the USA

Chris Pine recently made his directorial debut with the heist comedy Poolman, which he also wrote and stars in. The Star Trek star’s passion project starts on May 10, 2024 in cinemas in the USA. When and how the film will be shown in this country is not yet known.
