Queen Elizabeth II misses anniversary service – experiences “some inconvenience”

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On Thursday evening, the news came that the queen feels a little hung up after the first day of the anniversary celebration after her 70 years on the throne.

“The queen appreciated today’s parade and air show a lot, but felt a certain inconvenience. Given the itinerary and the effort required to attend tomorrow’s anniversary service in St. Paul’s Cathedral, Her Majesty has reluctantly decided not to attend, ”said Buckingham Palace.

The 96-year-old queen has had mobility problems over the past year, forcing her to skip several events.

Lighted lantern

To the delight of hundreds of spectators, the Queen attended each Thursday’s event.

In addition to attending from the palace balcony during the military parade that took place earlier in the day, she lit a symbolic lantern at Windsor Castle in the evening. Subsequently, more than 3,000 lanterns and bonfires were lit across Britain, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and in Britain’s overseas regions.

See when the queen met the crowds in the clip below.
