Quantity of baby milk: table from 0 to 4 months, when to increase the doses?

Quantity of baby milk table from 0 to 4 months

The quantities of infant milk for a baby differ according to the child’s weight, growth and needs. How many bottles and how much to give at birth or the first months? Table and advice from Carole Hervé, IBCLC lactation consultant.

There preparing a bottle of infant milk (powder) for a baby requires respecting certain dosages, depending on the age and weight of the child. THE quantities of infant milk will increase little by little the first days, and so from month to month until food diversification. There are benchmarks concerning the quantities of infant milk, but of course from one child to another, depending on their growth, the needs are not the same. It is therefore always advisable to seek advice from your pediatrician to find out the amount of milk your baby needs to grow well. What are the doses of milk the first 7 days? What is the quantity of milk at 1, 2, 3 and 4 months? When to increase milk doses? Highlight with Carole Hervé, lactation consultant IBCLC (the certification of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners).

To determine the daily amount of formula milk to give a baby, the child’s weight and age are taken into accountbut not only. “It’s the famous Appert rule: 1/10 of the weight + 200 to 250. This is not the case for a breastfed baby”, comments the specialist. Knowing that the recommended energy intake is 90 kcal kg-1 d-1.

It is also important to listen to baby’s needs. Some children will take”60-90ml bottles 8-10 times a day, while others will quickly take 120ml”, says pediatrician Noémie Nathan.

“It’s Appert’s famous rule: 1/10 of the baby’s weight + 200 to 250.”

What are the doses of milk the first 7 days of baby’s life?

The doses of milk will gradually increase the first days after the baby is born. “Physiologically, at 72 hours after birth, baby should take 30 ml maximum and we can tend to give him a little more than he needs”, emphasizes the expert. “There are ranges to respect. But what can confuse young parents is the sometimes frantic pace of the newborn and often they confuse the baby’s crying with hunger. Typically, at D2 and D3, it there is what is called the Java Night during which babies, whether they are breastfed or not, will cry a lot. When the baby cries, we imagine that he is hungry”, emphasizes the expert. here are some consistent markers of milk doses to give an infant the first seven days of life.


Baby rations
– 2.7kg

Baby rations
+ 2.7kg
Baby rations
+ 4kg
Amount of waterNumber of milk measures

What is the quantity of milk for a baby from 0 to 4 months?

“For 30 ml of water, we have a measure of powdered milk”, recalls Carole Hervé while adding that it is not necessary to “tame” baby to a specific number of bottles. Above all, the baby’s growth and needs must be taken into account, the values ​​given for the quantity of milk being purely indicative. Again, do not hesitate to discuss this with your practitioner.

After the baby is 4 months old, the doses of infant milk are more stable. “Little by little, we will start to introduce solid food, and that’s how the quantity of milk will no longer evolve and thus decrease in favor of food, as long as the solids offered are caloric”, indicates the lactation consultant.

Quantity of milk at 1 monthQuantity of milk at 2 monthsQuantity of milk at 3 monthsQuantity of milk at 4 months
6 to 8 bottles per day of 90 ml of water + 3 measures of milk
6 bottles of 120 ml of water + 4 measures of milk.

6 bottles of 120 ml of water + 4 measures of milk
5 bottles of 150 ml of water + 5 measures of milk.

5 to 6 bottles of 150 to 180 ml of water + 5 to 6 measures of milk.

5 bottles of 150 ml of water + 5 measures of milk
4 bottles of 180 ml of water + 6 measures of milk.

When to increase milk doses?

For a non-breastfed baby, “You must refer to the instructions on the back of the infant milk box. This is a first indicator, but we must also refer to baby’s behavior“, explains Carole Hervé. In some cases, it is therefore possible to give infant milk at the child’s request, without exceeding the daily dose of milk he needs, and by waiting a good two hours between each bottle.

“Let’s imagine that the baby has started to acquire a certain rhythm and that he is able to wait 3 or 4 hours before a next bottle, that does not mean that this rhythm is necessarily imposed on him. He can certainly time of day wait 4 hours, and at others get closer to 2 hours. In the end, he will regulate himself, because he will have received the portion of milk he needs”, details the lactation consultant.

Table Quantity of infant formula milk for the first 7 days. Maternity Hospital of Saint-Maurice.

Thanks to Carole Hervé, IBCLC lactation consultant.
