Quantity discounts drive food waste – Ica worst in class

The criticism: “Doesn’t fit well with the transition to a more sustainable development”

Food waste increases when stores offer volume discounts and researchers are critical that the trade does not take greater responsibility.
A compilation that the Matpriskollen has made shows that Ica is the worst in the class.
– I don’t think it fits well with this transition to a more sustainable development, says Helén Williams, docent in environmental and energy systems.

Quantity discounts in grocery stores increase food waste, shows a new compilation from Matpriskollen. Now researchers are criticizing how the stores use the quantity discounts and believe that they must start taking greater responsibility.

– We have known for 15 years that consumers throw away too much food. Then increasing the offers where you buy more, you get a discount, I don’t think it goes well with this transition to a more sustainable development, Helén Williams, docent in environmental and energy systems.

ICA has the most quantity discounts – according to a new compilation

According to a compilation made by Matpriskollen, Ica stands out as the chain with the largest share of multi-offers.

Last year, 44 percent of Ica Nära’s campaigns were volume discounts, which this year has increased to 54 percent. Coop’s offers are also increasing slightly, while those of other chains are decreasing.

– It is very unnecessary, because now we are working with sustainability, food waste must be reduced. When people then have to buy two liters of yogurt or three crème fraiche to get the discount, many people are attracted to it, even though they may not need it, says Matpriskollen’s CEO Ulf Mazur.

Since January 2022, food prices have increased by 25 percent and food waste is fueled by quantity discounts when you are asked to buy more than you have time to eat. There are two million single households in Sweden and 40 percent of all Swedes live alone, which means that volume discounts for goods that are not staples contribute to the increase in food waste.
