Qualcomm will increase the update frequency of Android phones

Qualcomm will increase the update frequency of Android phones

Qualcomm, the giant behind Snapdragon processors, will improve the update process of Android phones.

Qualcomm executive Chris Patrick said, in an interview given He made promising statements. According to Patrick, it is a very complicated and expensive process for a phone manufacturer to deliver Android updates to every user. The executive stated that they have made some code-level changes together with Google and phone manufacturers in order to simplify the process in the last few years, He states that they will make the update infrastructure more effective at the end of the year.. “At the end of the year, we’ll announce major changes we’re making to help companies keep Android phones up to date.” Chris Patrick said that update issues are a major concern for Qualcomm and that they want to change this. Google CEO Sundar Pichai, at the end of last year Android gave interesting information about updating phones. Android The phones still do not fully satisfy the users regarding the update. Although the situation is better than before, as many Android phones are introduced to the market, updates still do not last very long.


Google CEO Sundar Pichai According to the statement made to the court by the company, to change this, It even increases the income of phone manufacturers in order to increase the frequency of updates.. According to Pichai, phone manufacturers should be asked to increase the frequency of updates. financial incentive programs are implementedin this context, the company that sends more / more frequent updates Google makes more money from its services.

Stating that updates are costly Sundar Pichaiso despite the incentive practices, some manufacturers are sacrificing potential revenue instead of intermediate updates. states that he prefers to work on the next major Android release. This explains to some extent why some Android phones receive many updates and some do not. As far as we know, Google requires all Android phones to receive updates for two years.
