Qin Gang was fired – had surrogate children with mistress

Qin and Fu met in the UK in 2010. She had studied at Cambridge, he worked at the Chinese embassy as chargé d’affaire. But it was only ten years later when both returned to China that they allegedly became a secret couple.

Qin Gang became China’s ambassador to the United States in 2021, where his wife also went with him. Fu Xiaotian also made trips to the United States, including to interview her lover for her TV show. It was also said to have been in the United States a child was later born to a surrogate mother on behalf of Fu Xiaotian – and, rumor has it, fathered by Qin Gang.

The business mapped out

The world of Chinese leaders is hermetic, but the Financial Times has painstakingly pieced together the TV journalist’s travels, social media posts and information from her circle of friends.

Since returning to China with her son Er-Kin in April this year, she has disappeared from all media and her phone number has been shut down. A friend says their last contact was in June. It was also when Qin Gang made his last appearance as Foreign Minister.

No official explanation has been given as to why he was removed. Before that, he is said to have been close to the Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

Surrogacy prohibited

The problem with Qin is not only that he had a child who became an American citizen because he was born there, the child was also created through surrogacy, which is prohibited in China.

Another scandal that tarnished the Communist Party’s reputation was the scandal involving tennis star Peng Shuai who in 2021 accused former Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of sexual abuse. She then disappeared from the public eye.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping already has major problems with China’s faltering economy.
