Qassam Brigades shared the images! This is how Israeli soldiers in Gaza were shot

Qassam Brigades shared the images This is how Israeli soldiers

After Israel’s attacks on Gaza, the crisis in the region is deepening. Israel continues to hit hospitals and civilian settlements in Gaza. Violent clashes continue to occur in the Gaza Strip, where tank units entered.

Hamas’s armed wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, published footage of them clashing with Israeli soldiers on the ground in different parts of the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Screenshot 2023-11-17 230138The footage showed the moments when the Qassam Brigades hit Israeli forces conducting a residential area operation with rocket launchers.

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Qassam Brigades published a statement on the Telegram platform in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement that they had “strong indications” that the prisoners were in the Shifa Hospital in Gaza.

The statement said, “Our response to Netanyahu’s lie that there are Zionist prisoners in hospitals: We transferred some of them to care centers in order to treat them and protect their lives due to the seriousness of their health conditions.” statements were included.

In the statement, it was noted that Israeli prisoner Aryeh Zalman Zdmanovich was recently taken into intensive care and sent back to the place where he was brought after recovery, and that the Israeli in question died after suffering a panic attack as a result of repeated bombings around the place where he was located, and that the materials documenting this would be shared later.


While Hamas’s armed wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, launched a comprehensive attack on the morning of October 7, on the grounds that Israel was “responding to its continuous violations against the Palestinians and their sacred values, especially the Masjid al-Aqsa”, the Israeli army also launched heavy air strikes against the Gaza Strip. started the bombardment.

It was announced that 1,200 Israelis, including more than 310 soldiers, died and 5,132 people were injured in the attacks in Israel on October 7.

According to the Israeli army, 372 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, 51 of them in clashes inside Gaza and 6 on the Lebanese border.

According to Israel, there are 239 Israeli prisoners in the hands of the Qassam Brigades.

According to the government in Gaza, more than 12 thousand people, including 5 thousand children and 3 thousand 300 women, have been killed in the Gaza Strip in Israeli attacks since October 7.

200 Palestinians have lost their lives in attacks by Israeli forces and Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem since October 7.

The Israeli army hit the campuses or main buildings of dozens of hospitals in Gaza, where tens of thousands of injured and civilians took shelter, to force their evacuation. They raided some hospitals during the occupation. Hundreds of people died and were injured in the attacks.

76 Hezbollah members and 6 Israeli soldiers died in the clashes between the Israeli army and Hezbollah at the border since October 8.

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