Middlesex-London Health Unit is sounding the alarm about potential exhibits to measles, amid a rising number of boxes in the wider region.

London’s Public Health Unit is Sounding the alarm about Potential Exposures to Measles Amid A Rising Number of Local Cases-Nearly 20 Have Been Reported in Elgin and Oxford Counties and Haldimand-Norfolk in recent Weeks. Both the Middlesex-London Health Unit and Its Peers in Chatham-Kent Have Warned the Public To Watch for Symptoms After Exposure To Measles Cases in Local Emergency Rooms. Our Jennifer Bieman Spoke to Middlesex-London Associate Medical Officer of Health Joanne Kearon about the Emerging Threat.
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Q: Last weekend, The Health Unit Alerted The Public About Measles exhibits at the children’s hospital and Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital. What’s Happened since?
HAS: “We do not have any confirmed boxes residing within our region. These exhibitions occurred within health care settings as individuals from outside of our region, who are confirmed boxes, sought medical care here. . . . We do follow up with any contacts that we are able to identify and, if they are eligible, we will provide post-exposure to minimize the risk of them developing measles. ”
Q: How Much Immunity is there to the Measles in the general public?
HAS: “We did see a decrease in our vaccination rats during covid, locally, across canada and globally as we shifted resources within our Health Care System to the Pandemic Response. However, Over the Last Two to Three Years, We have been who Diligent here about Getting Kids Caught Up. Our vaccination levels here are almmost where they were pre-countryic. For the Seven-Year-Olds, Our Vaccination Rate is Almost 90 per cent. For the 17-Year-Olds, our vaccination rate is almost at 95 per cent, which is the target for herd immunity for measles.
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Q: What about Measles Immunity in the adult population, who may have only received one vaccination dose?
HAS: “We do not have exact data for the adult population and part of that is because he vaccination recommendations have changed over time. Adults Born Before 1969 Are Considered Immune, not because they would have receive the vaccine, but because they probably had measles at some point. As you move Farther Along, Some Adults Only Have One Vaccine Dose. We are reminding Everyone that the Recommendation is for anyone born after 1969 to have Two doses. Look at your immunization record and, eSpecially if you are going to be travelling, speak to your health care provider and get vaccinated. ”
Q: Why is Measles Such a Serious Threat?
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HAS: “Nowadays, with the case Rate Being So Low, We Sometimes Forget How Bad Measles Used To Get. Measles used to be so common that everyone would have been expected to get it. For Many people, The Symptoms Were Quite Mild. However, there Were Deaths related to it. As for the Mortality Rate, If 100 People Had Measles, it used to be that one of them, typically an infant, would die from it. It is that serious. We’ve Had a Death here in Canada from Measles with the Increase in Cases that we’ve seen over the last year. It’s something that we do need to stay vigilant about, keeping on population vaccinated, so that we do have have spread. ”
Q: Where are these measles Casses Coming from?
HAS: “A Number of the boxes are travel-related because, during covid, theres were decreeed vaccination rats globally and some other country are having more trouble catching up their vaccination rats post-peak than we are. Travel Remains has significant source. However, we do have pockets within population that are under-vaccinated within an ontario and Canada. If a Travel-Related Case Gets Into One of these pockets, it is that Easily Spread Amongst That Population. There are outbreaks occurring in Canada because that ” (Read more about Measles from Health Canada here.)
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Q: What Should the Public Do Amid Rising Measles Cases in the London Region?
HAS: “If you were potentialy exhibitions at one of those rentals we annouded, watch for signs and symptoms. If you need to seek Medical Care and you think you may have been exhibitions to Measles, please call ahead so that they can put the necessary precautions in place to reduce the risk of spread to Others. . . . In Terms of Measles Vaccination, We do Provide Catch-Up Clinicals for Eligible Individuals. However, The First Source of Contact Would Be your Primary Care Provider. ”
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