Putin’s satirical writer and critic Viktor Shenderovich has left Russia

Putins satirical writer and critic Viktor Shenderovich has left Russia

Viktor Chenderovich, a notorious detractor of Vladimir Putin, announced on Tuesday January 11 that he had left Russia following constant pressure exerted against him by the Kremlin.

A notorious detractor of Vladimir Poutine announced on Tuesday on social networks that he had left his country following, according to him, the constant pressure exerted against him by the Kremlin. Viktor Chenderovich also claims to be a victim of the wave of repression against opponents and critics of power.

He therefore left Russia and he does not wish to say for what destination. He fears being convicted following a libel lawsuit brought against him by Yevgeny Prigojine, a businessman accused of being behind the Wagner group of mercenaries, a structure suspected of acting on behalf of the Kremlin.

► See also Russia: 2021, a year marked by repression and attacks on freedom of expression

Viktor Chenderovich, 63-year-old satirical writer known for scripting the Russian equivalent of Info puppets in the early 2000s, has always been targeted by the authorities, he said.

On social networks where he announced he had left his country, he explains that the Kremlin has continued to lead against him ” endless and provocative criminal actions “. He would have been watched by the secret services and would have received ” death threats “.

The one who did not hesitate to present the current Russian leader, at the start of his career, as ” the mean little dwarf Putin “Had been designated last December by the Russian justice as” foreign agent », Which implies many constraints. A designation increasingly used against the critical voices of the regime, proof that the repression in Russia continues to increase.

