Putin’s risk of being ousted is growing all the time, according to The Times

Putins risk of being ousted is growing all the time

According to a Russian human rights activist in exile, those working for the security service FSB are disappointed with the sanctions that “they can no longer go on holiday to their villas in Italy or take their children to Disneyland in Paris.”

24.3. 05:23 • Updated March 24 08:07

President Vladimir Putin the risk of being overthrown by the Russian security service FSB is growing week by week, says a person from Russia’s intelligence insiders. The British newspaper reports on the matter The Times (switch to another service).

The source of the magazine has sent a Russian human rights activist To Vladimir Osetshkin a letter about chaos and dissatisfaction within the security service at the same time as the attack on Ukraine has failed for the worse.

Osetsh, who is in exile, is best known for the extensive material published by his organization last year, which revealed that hundreds of people across Russia have been tortured and raped in prisons.

Osetshkin says the person described his growing hatred of Putin within the FSB. According to Osetshkin, those working for the FSB are particularly disappointed with the sanctions, which mean that they “can no longer go on holiday to their villas in Italy or take their children to Disneyland in Paris.”

– For 20 years, Putin created stability for Russia. Police, public prosecutors working for the FSB – people working within the system had the opportunity to live a good life, Osetshkin says and continues:

– Now all that is gone. They understand that this war is a disaster for the economy, for humanity. They don’t want the Soviet Union back, he says.

The story was edited at 8.07 a.m.
