Putin’s rare appearance in public: attended worship

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

President Vladimir Putin, who was isolated during the corona pandemic, attended an Easter service in Moscow. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, meanwhile, shared his Easter greetings in one of Ukraine’s most famous cathedrals.

24.4. 13:29 • Updated April 24th. 14:03

President of Russia Vladimir Putin appeared infrequently in public when he attended an Orthodox Easter service in Moscow on Saturday.

Putin became isolated during the corona pandemic. For example, a newspaper New York Times says (moving to another service) The strict safeguards put in place by Putin, such as the requirement for two weeks of quarantine before meeting him.

Putin attended a service at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior along with the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin with.

The service was performed by the Russian Patriarch Kirill, known as Putin ‘s supporter. Kirill called the war in Ukraine a conflict and said he hoped it would end soon. However, the patriarch did not condemn the war.

In Ukraine, Easter was celebrated in fear of free strikes

Russia did not agree to the demands of Ukraine and the UN for a ceasefire for Easter. In Ukraine, Easter has been celebrated for fear of free strikes. For this reason, churches have been asked, according to Reuters, not to hold Easter events for large crowds.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi promised in his Easter message that “evil” would not destroy Ukraine. Zelenskyi gives hope for Ukraine’s victory in a video shot at the about a thousand-year-old St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.

– We still believe in Ukraine’s new victory today and we are all convinced that we will not be destroyed by any force or evil, Zelenskyi says.

The Passover, which is very important in the Orthodox Church, is celebrated in Russia and Ukraine on April 24th.
