Putin’s last image drew attention! The claim is on the agenda again

Remarkable message from Putin As in 1945

While Russia’s intervention in Ukraine continued, the Moscow administration threatened the West with the Victory Day celebration today. Speaking at the ceremony, Russian President Putin, regarding Russia’s intervention in Ukraine “Kyiv was after nuclear weapons. We did what we had to do in Ukraine. We did it for independence” said. An image taken at the ceremony brought up a recently discussed claim about Putin.


After attending the 77th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Second World War, an image recorded while watching the military parade after Putin’s speech drew attention. After the image of Putin holding his right hand with his left hand, the parkinson claim, which was discussed a lot, became the agenda again. While the symptoms of the disease were in the frames that appeared before, this claim flared up again after the last image. The Kremlin flatly denied the Parkinson’s allegation.


Parkinson’s is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disease. Symptoms such as decreased mimics, slowed movements and tremors in the hands or fingers are seen in the disorder, which usually affects one side of the body.
