Putin’s desperate move: Lures migrants to the front

Vladimir Putin is increasingly desperate for success in Ukraine.
Now the British Ministry of Defense states that Russia is testing a new tactic: finding soldiers among the country’s Asian migrant workers.
The migrants are offered cash and citizenship with the goal of sending 400,000 volunteers to the war.

The war in Ukraine continues to rage, the world is waiting for the promised Ukrainian spring offensive and Russia needs more soldiers.

On Monday, the British Ministry of Defense stated that Russia has a new strategy to attract volunteers to the war, it writes on Twitter. The new strategy is to attract migrant workers from Central Asia to join the Russian forces.

“Recruiters have targeted mosques and immigration offices to recruit,” reads the latest intelligence report.


The equipment is analyzed: “There, Russia is superior to Ukraine”

High monthly salary and citizenship

In order to attract migrants to the Russian army, they are said to offer a lump sum of around 24,000 Swedish kronor and a salary of 42,000 kroner a month. The recruiters should also entice with a faster process to become a Russian citizen, in six months to a year, instead of five years as the rules look like today.

The strategy is seen by Britain as a way to avoid a national, mandatory, mobilization and a way to achieve the goal of sending 400,000 volunteers to the Ukrainian front.

The British report comes at a time when the infamous Wagner group has threatened to leave Ukrainian Bachmut, as a result of the Kremlin not sending enough ammunition.

However, the group’s leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, stated on Sunday that Russia has now promised to send enough ammunition for the soldiers to stay in the city, reports the AFP news agency.
