“Putinophiles in the army”: these French officers who lean for Russia

Putinophiles in the army these French officers who lean for

With or without fake noses, they seek to dynamite Western unity in the face of the destructive madness of Vladimir Poutine. Out of anti-Americanism, out of hatred for our liberal democracy, those who are nicknamed the pro-Russians and the “useful idiots” of the Kremlin are active on social networks and in political spheres. We thought they were condemned to silence since the Russian invasion, they have never been so dangerous.

EPISODE 1 – Between Russia and the French far right, lasting support and a facade of mistrust

EPISODE 2 – War in Ukraine: when Russophiles insist on boasting of a “powerful Russia”

EPISODE 3 – Idriss Aberkane, Silvano Trotta… When the conspiracy joins the pro-Kremlin argument

EPISODE 4 – War in Ukraine: when pacifism plays into the Kremlin’s game

On his Twitter accountJean-Bernard Pinatel expresses his satisfaction on July 10: “Thank you to the 58,000 people who watched my three interviews for Franco-Russian Dialogue, Free media And The Dialog“. So many regular vectors of Kremlin propaganda: an association co-chaired by Thierry Mariani and two confidential information sites. “I present a different vision of the warmongering propaganda which invades our screens on the war in Ukraine”, claims this 84-year-old retired general, accusing the United States of using “Ukraine to create a new wall between Russia and Europe”.

The vice-president of Geopragma, a think tank headed by pro-Russian lobbyist Caroline Galactéros, is not his first criticism of NATO and Washington and defended, before the February 2022 invasion, the establishment of an alliance between Moscow and Paris – an idea taken up by Eric Zemmour. He is not the only one: many French officers, seduced, for some, by the posture of a strong man and defender of the traditional values ​​of Vladimir Putin, take positions which are not to displease the Russian Embassy .

Like this former commander of the Foreign Legion, General Jean Maurin, former defense attaché in Russia between 2009 and 2012, who multiplied the retweets of admiring messages from the Russian president in 2018! “There are a certain number of Poutinophiles in the army, regrets General Nicolas Richoux. of the Americans, as demonstrated by its clear and unmistakable support during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.”

To Saint-Cyr

This vision was able to thrive within institutions as prestigious as Saint-Cyr, which trains future land officers. In 2019, an investigation by the Defense Intelligence and Security Directorate led to the dismissal of the school’s head of War Studies, Thomas Flichy de La Neuville, for his links with foreign powers, the magazine revealed. Challenges. On Radio Notre Damethe day of the invasion, he assured that “Ukraine is an artificial entity” and that Putin had only “returned his troops to a Russian part for a very long time”.

“The pro-Russian military tendency is in the minority, but noisy, believes a good connoisseur of these circles. culture, with Dostoyevsky, it goes as far as cathedrals under the snow…” A vision which also infused “a rather pro-Russian French public opinion, recalls a high-ranking officer. Before the war changed this look”.
