Putin warns “states with a small territory and a very dense population”

Putin warns states with a small territory and a very

Is this the latest red line that Westerners could, like the previous ones, end up crossing? In any case, Ukraine urges its allies to allow it to strike Russian territory with their weapons. The Western camp seems at this stage still divided, Emmanuel Macron spoke this Tuesday, May 28 from Germany on this subject. And unsurprisingly, Vladimir Putin threatens.

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Hence, MM. Scholz and Macron. The two men spoke on the subject that interests us here from the north of Berlin this Tuesday. The other, Vladimir Poutinewith again and again theNATO in the viewfinder.

These representatives of NATO countries, especially in Europe, especially in small countries, they should think about what they are playing at. They should remember that they are generally states with a small territory and with a very dense population. This is a factor they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into Russian territory. This is a serious thing. And we are, of course, looking at this most carefully, observing everything.

Generally speaking, this constant escalation could lead to serious consequences. If these serious consequences reach Europe, how will the United States behave, given our strategic arms parity? It’s hard to say… Do they want global conflict? I thought they wanted to negotiate in the area of ​​strategic weapons. They talk about it, but we don’t see a great desire in them to do it. Well, we’ll see what happens next.

Statement by Vladimir Putin


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The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army said on Monday that the France was going to send “ shortly » first military instructors in Ukraine in order to train the troops of this country ravaged by the war with Russia. Contacted by AFP, the French ministry limited itself to saying that the file was under study, but it did not mention the sending of instructors announced by the Ukrainian general.

In Russia, propaganda speaks of “ mercenaries » and has persisted in repeating for many months that they are already there. Vladimir Putin obviously did not fail to do so once again.

Are there or could there be mercenaries in Ukraine? There is nothing new here. We know they’ve been there for a long time. On the communications we receive, we hear English, French and Polish spoken. We know they are there, these so-called mercenaries. But under the guise of mercenaries, there are also specialists there. Who controls and guides long-range precision weapons? Of course, it’s these instructors disguised as mercenaries. That’s all. They are there and they are suffering losses. Perhaps such proposals are also due to the fact that it is more difficult to hide these losses. That maybe it’s time to assume they’re officially here.

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