Putin threatens to leave grain deal

In an interview on state Russian television, Putin says the agreement, which expires on July 18, does not serve Russia’s interests in exporting agricultural products and fertilizer.

— It is completely one-sided. We will consider what to do, we have a few days, says the president.

The agreement was negotiated with the help of Turkey and the United Nations last summer and allows Ukraine to export grain from three Ukrainian ports.

Putin further says that the arms deliveries that Ukraine has received from Western countries do not change the balance of power on the battlefield.

— Yes, they cause damage, but nothing decisive happens in the combat zones where they are deployed. The same applies to foreign-made tanks, says Putin.

At the same time, the Russian president claims that tensions in the world will increase if Ukraine is admitted to NATO.

— I am sure that it would not increase the security inside Ukraine, and in general it would make the world much more vulnerable and lead to further tensions internationally.
