Putin threatens “small nations” if Russia is attacked

Putin threatens small nations if Russia is attacked

Published 2024-05-28 23.41




full screen Russian President Vladimir Putin is visiting Uzbekistan. Photo: Mikhail Metzel/Kremlin Via AP/TT

Small countries in Europe must be careful if Russia is attacked with weapons from Western countries.

The threat from Russian President Vladimir Putin comes after suggestions that Ukraine should be given the right to attack Russian military targets.

Putin warned late on Tuesday of “serious consequences” if weapons and ammunition exported to Ukraine from the West are used in attacks on targets in Russia.

– This constant escalation can have fatal consequences. In Europe, mainly in small countries, one should be aware of what one is playing with, Putin said, on an official visit to Uzbekistan.

He also stated that many countries in Europe had “small territories” and that they have “high population density”.

Military targets in Russia

The move came after NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg aired the idea that weapons from the West could attack military targets in Russia. The proposal was supported by, among others, French President Emmanuel Macron during his state visit to Germany.

Macron said on Tuesday that the Ukrainian military must be allowed to “neutralize” Russian military bases.

– – We think we should allow them to destroy military installations from which robots are launched, and which attack Ukraine.

The US fades

Macron underlined that Ukraine must not attack “other targets in Russia and obviously not civilian facilities”,

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has long investigated the possibilities of being allowed to attack, for example, Russian robot bases.

The US tried to play down the raised tone from Europe and Zelensky’s appeal from Kiev.

– Our policy has not changed in this regard. We do not encourage or enable the use of American weapons inside Russia, said John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council.
