Putin spoke again about hypersonic missiles on the anniversary of the fleet: he promised that deliveries will start in the next few months

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the first hypersonic Tsirkon cruise missiles will arrive on a warship of the Russian Northern Fleet.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that the Russian Navy will receive new hypersonic Tsirkon cruise missiles in the coming months.

Russia celebrates Navy Day on Sunday. Putin took part in the celebrations organized in St. Petersburg and in Kronstadt near it.

In addition to the president, the defense minister was also present at the navy parade Sergei Shoigu.

Putin also said that Russia will choose the location of the new missile-equipped ship based on security interests.

Hypersonic weapons are missile systems that can fly more than five times faster than sound. Countering them is very difficult due to their speed and variable trajectory.

In March, Russia claimed to have used the hypersonic, air-to-ground Kinžal missile in the Ukraine war. According to the Russian military, the target of the missile was a large, underground ammunition depot in western Ukraine.

Then Interviewed by the BBC (you go to another service) experts estimate that the Kinžal missile will not change the war situation in Ukraine. According to experts, the missile’s destructive power is not particularly greater than other missiles, and Russia does not even have many of them at its disposal.
