Putin sent cannibals to the front in Ukraine – now they are back home

Putin sent cannibals to the front in Ukraine now
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Nikolaj, 33, and Denis, 44, murdered and ate their victims.

Putin pardoned both.

They were released from prison and sent to the front in Ukraine.

Since the start of the war, Russian President Vladimir Putin has pardoned at least 17 murderers, who were released from prison early and sent as soldiers to Ukraine, according to the newspaper Sibir Realii.

The two most recent known cases of presidential pardons involve murderers who, after the crime, ate parts of their victims.

Nikolaj “The Count” Ogolobjak was part of a satanist group in his hometown of Yaroslavl, where the other members called themselves everything from “Hitler” to “Fangtooth”.

On June 28, 2008, they ritually murdered the teenage girls Olja Puchova and Anja Gorochova.

At a given signal, everyone pounced on the girls and stabbed them to death.

Then the bodies were desecrated by the Satanists who ate parts of them.

full screen Satanist Nikolaj Ogolobjak ate a grilled human heart and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Photo: Vkontakte

Shortly afterwards, two more young people were ritually murdered in the same way. The group members were convicted of the four murders.

Since only “The Count” was of legal age, he received the longest sentence: 20 years in a penal colony under a strict regime. He would not be released until 2030.

But earlier this year he was pardoned by Putin, fought in Ukraine and returned to Yaroslavl on November 2.

– He served there for six months, in the Storm-Z department. Now he is disabled, after being injured, says the father to the newspaper 76.ru.

A few weeks ago, the second pardoned Russian cannibal came home from Ukraine, to the island of Sakhalin in the Pacific Ocean a few miles from Japan.

full screen Anja Gorochova and Olja Puchova were ritually murdered by Satanists in 2008. Photo: Vkontakte

Denis Gorin, 44, murdered four people between 2003 and 2012, and was sentenced to 22 years in prison in 2018. Parts of two murder victims were eaten by Gorin.

– I was there when he and his brother Jevgenij were arrested. The police opened the fridge and it was full to the brim with human flesh, ex-neighbor Dmitry Vladimirovich told the Sibir Realii newspaper.

Gorin is currently in hospital in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, with moderate injuries, according to the ex-neighbor.

full screen The cannibal Denis Gorin had human flesh in the fridge. Photo: Private

The pardons of cannibals and murderers arouse strong feelings in Russia. Denis Gorin’s homecoming is widely commented on in social media, according to Sibir Realii. A typical anonymous post about Putin and Gorin reads:

– The cannibal pardoned a cannibal. It’s only logical.
