Putin: Russia should start production of medium-range nuclear missiles again | News in brief

Putin scraps the last arms limitation agreement between Russia and the United States. The United States had already withdrawn from the agreement.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin wants the country to start producing medium-range nuclear missiles again.

The INF Treaty banning intermediate-range missiles was the last arms limitation treaty in force between Russia and the United States. However, the United States had withdrawn from the agreement in 2019 because it considered Russia to be violating it. The agreement was signed by the President of Russia Mikhail Gorbachev and the President of the United States Ronald Reagan in the year 1987.

Medium-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles have a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.

Until now, Russia has said that it has followed the agreement until now. According to Putin, Russia must start production of missiles because the United States has brought them for exercises in Denmark and plans to deploy them in the Philippines as well.

Sources: Reuters, AP
