Putin on the Kerch Bridge: A terrorist attack has been committed

Putin on the Kerch Bridge A terrorist attack has been
full screen Russian President Vladimir Putin photographed during a meeting on Monday. Photo: Alexander Kazakov/AP/TT

In a televised commentary, Russian President Vladimir Putin calls the night’s incident at the Kjert Bridge a “terrorist attack”.

Putin also expects security to increase at the bridge. I am waiting for specific proposals to improve the security of this strategic, important transport facility, says the Russian president.

– Another terrorist attack was committed on the bridge last night. I await specific proposals to improve the security of this strategic, important transportation facility.

The Kerch Bridge connects Russia with the Crimean Peninsula, which Moscow illegally annexed in 2014, and is a vital link for transporting supplies to the Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

The bridge was exposed to an attack on the night of Monday. Two people were killed and traffic was stopped.

Ukrainian forces are behind the attack, according to both Ukraine and Russia.

The attack on the bridge is the second since Russia launched its war of aggression against Ukraine. In October 2022, the bridge was damaged by a truck bomb that Moscow said was behind Ukraine. However, Kiev has denied responsibility for that attack.
