“Putin must disappear from the face of the earth!”

As Gaza is bombed, reports come that Putin is applauding as the spotlight is turned away from Russia’s activities.
At the same time, clouds of worry are gathering over President Zelensky regarding the faltering support of the West.
– It is completely absurd if Putin were to come out of this in one piece – he will disappear from the face of the earth, says Colonel Ulf Henricsson in Efter fem.

The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is approaching its second anniversary. And Putin is now still strengthening his relations with China, North Korea and Hungary – while Ukraine steels itself for a tough winter. At the same time, Russia is preparing new attacks with new weapons.

But Swedish colonel Ulf Henricsson is convinced that Putin will lose the war against Ukraine. An alternative outcome would be too disastrous for the West, and is thus not an option – as long as the will to help remains.

– In Ukraine, we have put hard against hard. But what I’m worried about is that the will is waning. I have a hard time seeing how letting Putin get what he wants would lead to a better world.

“Will disappear from the face of the earth”

Henricsson believes that it is the West’s duty to continue supporting Ukraine’s efforts in the war in order to be able to defeat Putin militarily. Furthermore, you need to give all the more – and not lift any sanctions before Russia has introduced a constitution that the world community has approved, something that Henricsson previously wrote in The express debate.

– We will continue to support Ukraine and give them as much as we ever can, more than today. Because Putin won’t make it. It is completely absurd if Putin were to come out of this unscathed. He will disappear from the face of the earth, says the colonel in After five.

Political will is crucial

On March 17, the International Criminal Court, ICC, issued an arrest warrant for the Russian president, but the path to a verdict has proven to be tricky. The question that many have asked is thus what opportunities actually exist to prosecute and judge individual leaders and powerful people in international courts today.

But experts who participated in the People and Defense seminar on the issue last spring all agreed that there are mechanisms in place, as long as the political will exists, something that EPN previously wrote about.

– We put petty traders in The Hague – in relation to Putin – but he will go free? It is completely unreasonable. Why then do we have an international criminal court in The Hague? You can think about that as a politician, says Ulf Henricsson and adds:

– The alternative of negotiating and giving Putin half of Ukraine, or a third, it doesn’t work. After all, the international community is completely out of control – and has lost all credibility.

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