Putin is criticized on Russian TV: “The regime will fall”

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Nadezhdin compared Putin to Tsar Nicholas I and said the war will lead to “the fall of the regime”.

The TV show daily spreads disinformation about the war to justify Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Nadezdjin has been a recurring guest – and it is not the first time he has expressed himself critically against the war. After Ukraine’s counter-offensive last autumn, when the country retook large parts of the areas previously conquered by Russia, he said that “it is absolutely impossible to defeat Ukraine”.

Illegal to go against the Kremlin’s image

After that statement, Vladimir Solovyov, a Russian broadcaster and propagandist, said that Nadezhdin should be thrown in prison. In Russia, it is illegal to spread an image of the war that goes against the Kremlin’s narrative.

Allowing some oppositional voices on state television is a way to produce a scapegoat that can be publicly lectured by other pro-war guests. Abbas Galljamov, independent political analyst and former speechwriter for Putin, previously told the AP news agency.
