Putin is a point of contention for the far-right in Europe – right-wing populists are rising in these countries | Foreign countries

Putin is a point of contention for the far right in

Far-right parties that have grown in popularity are united by anti-immigration and separated by foreign policy.

Alina Mäkynen,

Marjut Raunio,

Joonas Haverinen

20:04•Updated 20:25

Many far-right parties are now at the top of the polls across Europe, and they are also tipped to win the summer EU elections.

For example, in Germany the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has almost doubled his support in two years. In France, the far-right National Coalition is on the rise, and Italy’s far-right prime ministerial party, Brothers of Italy, has remained at the top of the poll.

With the help of the largest EU countries, we went through what unites the far right and how they relate to Russia in different ways. Watch the video.

See also Wednesday night’s A-studio, which asks how the rise of populist parties affects Europe.
