Putin has arrived in North Korea

Putin arrived early Wednesday, local time.

The president has traveled to the country on a state visit to meet with the North Korean leader. They both met when Kim visited Putin in Russia last fall.

Ahead of the visit, Putin wrote in an article published by the state-controlled North Korean news agency KCNA that Pyongyang “firmly supports” Russia’s war of invasion in Ukraine, and that North Korea has Russia’s full support.

Earlier, Kremlin adviser Yuri Ushakov said that during the meeting between the countries, “important documents” will be signed.

Vladimir Putin has visited North Korea once before, in 2000. At that time he was relatively new to the presidency and North Korea was ruled by former leader Kim Jong-Il.

Russia’s rule has strengthened contacts with North Korea alongside the ongoing war of invasion in Ukraine. North Korea is said to have supplied Russia with weapons, among other things.
