Putin does not want to congratulate Stubb

Last night, Alexander Stubb was elected as the new president of Finland.

Now Moscow states that it respects the election and hopes that he will have a “balanced approach” to Russia.

However, President Vladimir Putin does not intend to congratulate Alexander Stubb on his election victory. According to Peskov, this is because Finland is classified as a “hostile country” and that Stubbs’ previous statements about Russia have been “very unfriendly”.

Would not answer the phone

Alexander Stubb has already said before the election that he would not answer the phone if Putin called him to congratulate him.

– It would make us look like Russian poodles. And we don’t want to go there, said Stubb to EPN.

Even after the election victory, Alexander Stubb told international media that he does not see any kind of communication with either Putin or the Russian leadership in the near future.
