Putin and Erdogan on grain agreement with the UN and Ukraine

Vladimir Putin opens to revive the grain agreement with Ukraine.
In exchange, he demands that the sanctions against Russia be eased.
– We will be ready to consider the possibility of reviving the grain agreement, says the Russian president.

On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Russian Sochi, among other things, to discuss the grain agreement with Ukraine.

Putin opened up about resuming the grain deal, which Russia pulled out of earlier in the summer. In exchange, he demands that the sanctions against the country be eased, according to AFP.

– We will be ready to consider the possibility of reviving the grain agreement, and we will do so as soon as all agreements on lifting restrictions on Russian agricultural exports are fully implemented, says the Russian president at a press conference together with Erdogan.

The Turkish president talked about preparing a new grain agreement together with the UN.

– We have drawn up a new package proposal in consultation with the UN. I believe it is possible to achieve results. I believe that a solution that meets Turkey’s expectations will be reached soon, he says.
