Putin-Aliyev meeting in Moscow! Important statements from the two leaders

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Before the bilateral summit, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Russia Vladimir Putin made statements.


Putin’s statements are as follows:

“The opening of neighboring roads will be in our favor. All our neighbors think the same way. In terms of economy and trade relations, it is developing gradually. Despite the pandemic last year, our trade volume increased. You support this cooperation. We have always been constructive in the Upper Karabakh region. We tried to act according to their interests.”


Aliyev’s statements are as follows:

“Our meetings are held regularly. We met again a few months ago. Our relations are developing dynamically. Personal meetings are important for us. It is important that we hold such a meeting before signing the very important document. It is also important that this meeting takes place before the 30th anniversary of our diplomatic relations. It will be very positive. Relations between our countries have always been positive. This language is the element that unites the former countries of the Soviet Union. Russia played an important role in ending the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. At that time we signed a 3-sided agreement and it was with your active contribution. Our meeting with you is always special, but Today we are signing a historical document, I would like to thank especially for this invitation.”
