Put your phone away when pedaling or you will be fined 150 euros – watch the video letter from Copenhagen’s bike paths | Foreign countries

Put your phone away when pedaling or you will be

Copenhageners cycle all year round – but too often with a phone in hand, says Karoliina Kantola in her video letter.

Karoliina KantolaDanskan journalist

COPENHAGEN Here are the three most important points from the video letter:

  • In Copenhagen, cyclists are often fined for using their phones while riding. This can result in fines of up to 150 euros.
  • Last summer’s power monitoring revealed that many cyclists break traffic rules. During the week-long surveillance, the cyclists were fined 40,000 euros.
  • Cycling is an integral part of Copenhagen’s traffic culture, and the police urge tourists to learn the basic rules of cycling to avoid accidents and fines.
  • Artificial intelligence has made a summary of the script of the video letter. The editor has checked the summary.

    Were you surprised that so many cyclists break traffic rules in Copenhagen? You can comment on the video letter on 6.2. until 11 p.m.
