An automotive expert encourages motorists to use tea bags when it is cold.
Millions of French people drink it every day. Boisson with a thousand perfumes, tea has a lot of followers in France even if it is obviously not as popular as in England. In addition, conversely to coffee, tea has many health benefits, such as reducing the probability of making a cardiovascular accident, slowing down cognitive decline or decreasing the risk of diabetes. But it is not only on man that tea has virtues. It is much less known, but this plant, essentially cultivated in Asia, can also be very useful to avoid a common problem on the road in winter.
There is a period of the year, approximately between the months of October and April, during which motorists mesh to leave with a phenomenon that occurs when external temperatures refresh. The humidity then turns into fogging which comes to deposit on the windows of the cars and deprive the visibility drivers to drive. There are no other solutions to get rid of it than to wait until the air of the aerators warms up, which can take a little time. It is annoying when you know how much every minute counts in the morning so as not to arrive late at school or at your workplace.

A simple tip can however avoid this kind of painful situation. It is an expert in a vehicle cleaning service that shared it on social networks. Ben Pitchcher, an employee within the company DPF Experts, encourages all motorists to use tea as soon as the cold settles in our cities. This Englishman (chance or not …) advises to deposit several sachets of tea in his vehicle, mainly on the dashboard, as close as possible to the windshield. Tea sachets are natural humidity absorbers. By having them little everywhere in the passenger compartment, they will capture the humidity before it has time to deposit on the glass surfaces.
There is nothing else to do. And this method is even more economical when you know that the sachets already used to prepare an infusion are also effective, or even more according to certain drivers who reacted to the post of our specialist. It is obviously recommended to regularly change tea sachets so that they keep all their absorbent power. This little tip will win you for a few minutes in the morning. It can even avoid a fine of 135 euros, the sanction provided for motorists who, too in a hurry, take the road with a windshield without visibility. It can therefore be expensive and it is above all a dangerous behavior.