Pushkinia: what is it?

Pushkinia what is it

Very close to wild hyacinths, this perennial bulbous plant is covered with beautiful bells from the start of spring. Alone in a pot or in quantity forming a flowery carpet, the bulbs of puschkinias will bring originality to your corner of greenery. The pushkinia (Puschkinia scilloides) is a member of the Liliaceae family (Liliaceae).

Botanical description of puschkinia

The small bulb develops long green leaves and stems which are covered, at the end, with clusters of bell-shaped flowers, color pale blue, slightly striped with darker blue. With a height of 20 centimeters, the puschkinias amaze with their flowering which colors the garden and the terraces from February until March and April, in certain regions. No choice of colors and varieties, only puschkinias libanotica ‘Alba’, with white bells exist on the market.

Origins of puschkinia

These little ones spring bulbs are native to large alpine meadows in the Middle East.

Cultivation requirements of puschkinia

These spring bulbs thrive in the open Sun or in light shade. They appreciate any soil, provided it is well drained. To lighten a floor limestone, add sand. Soil that is too wet can rot the bulbs. It is possible to sow them but the majority of gardeners plant the bulbs in autumn, from September to December, a day off gel. During a session of planting bulbs of tulips and of narcissus, dare a touch of originality with the puschkinias. Plant them five centimeters deep and space them about 5 to 10 centimeters apart, depending on the desired effect.

Leave the foliage to dry completely on the spot, this will allow the bulbs to regenerate and make reserves for next spring. Once the wilted flowersyou can separate the bulblets bulbs for multiply or quite simply, leave them in Earth in the hope that the puschkinias will naturalize on their own.

Rustic and not afraid of temperatures below -15°C, leave them in the ground once planted. For bulbs grown in pots or planters, place them in a sheltered spot until the following spring.

Use of puschkinia

Plant them in quantity to appreciate their abundant flowering. On a balcony or a terrace, install the puschkinias in pots, containers or planters. In the garden, create carpets of flowers in a lawn, under a tree or in a clump. Bring touches of color with a few tulipsprimroses or iris reticulate. Also draw a border by planting puschkinia bulbs in large numbers. Include a few bulbs in a bed of perennials or grasses to play with heights, shapes and colors. Pick a few stems to compose a springtime and fragrant bouquet of puschkinias, grape hyacinths and hyacinths.

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