Purine: role, normal level, rich foods

Purine role normal level rich foods

Purine is an essential molecule for the proper functioning of our body. But, too much intake can cause complications. What foods to avoid when you have too much purine?

Definition: what is purine?

Purines are a group of molecules found in living organisms. They play an important role in certain reactions of the body. For example, they bring essential elements of DNA and RNA. There are several purines such as xanthine, hypoxanthine, theobromine (found in cocoa)caffeine, uric acid, adenine and guanine. Purines are very present in the meatespecially in the liver and kidneys.

What is the role of purine in the body?

Purines are nitrogen-based molecules, essential for the cellular energy production. “They participate in particular in the production of RNA and DNA, and alloweliminate excess nitrogen in the body via the urine thanks to the production of uric acid. It is this uric acid which, in excess, will have consequences on health. They are also part of the composition of several coenzymes or cofactors such as coenzyme A or NADP+ which are involved in several chemical reactions in the body.“, says Maxime Mességué, dietitian-nutritionist.

What is the normal level of purine in the blood?

The purine blood test is rarely done. The normal value is included between 35 and 70mg per liter of blood. Beyond, we speak hyperuricaemia (uric acid level too high) which can cause elimination problems and impaired kidney function (kidney stones, kidney failure).

What are the consequences of too much purine?

“It is not the purine itself that has health consequences but its transformation into uric acid which is not eliminated correctly by the kidneys. This is naturally present in the blood in small quantities, but the consumption of certain foods that contain it can lead to an excess of purine., nuance the dietitian-nutritionist. A high concentration of uric acid in the blood may be responsible for gout disease, kidney stones or kidney failure. When this rate is higher than 80mg/l, we speak ofhyperuricaemia. Several factors are likely to prevent the degradation and elimination of this uric acid in the blood: high blood sugar, alcoholism, high protein diet, excessive physical activity, kidney dysfunction (kidney stones, kidney failure), too rapid weight loss, pregnancy, obesity, menopause, diabetes as well as taking certain medications (beta-blockers, diuretics, etc.).

What foods are high in purine?

Purine is mainly found in red meats, cold cuts, offal, molluscs and crustaceans, fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, anchovies, herring, etc.), cocoa, as well as in certain vegetables such as asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach and legumes.

What foods to avoid when you have too much purine?

In case of excess uric acid in the blood, it is recommended to limit dietary purine intake. To be avoided: offal, game, fermented cheese, alcohol, shellfish, game, fatty fish, cocoa as well as red meats and charcuterie. “It is not a question of eliminating all these foods but of avoiding consuming them in excess, because it is the excess that can cause complications“, nuances the dietitian-nutritionist.

Thanks to Maxime Mességué, dietitian-nutritionist in Paris.
