Purcaro (Dekra Italia): awareness of data security becomes a common and everyday heritage

Purcaro Dekra Italia awareness of data security becomes a common

(Finance) – Presented today, in the Sala Zuccari of the Senate of the Republic, the first Censis-DeepCyber ​​Report (Maggioli Group) on Cybersecurity in Italy, which confirms the value of an indispensable sector. Only effective and shared protection from cyber risks can in fact restore the necessary serenity to families, companies and institutions to live well in digital life.

The study shows the decisive role of cybersecuritywhich can no longer be considered a cost or an area for experts only but – increasingly – a social investment of collective interest, indispensable for a good digital revolution.

“The report is a presentation and a truly relevant documentation relating to this issue of Cybersecurity and the word that emerges with great clarity is that of awareness”. Toni Purcaro President of Dekra Italia in the margin of the presentation of the report. “Awareness regarding the security of one’s data and IT security must become an element that is common heritage and that becomes everyday because now we are all immersed in this new digital era through our cars, our mobile devices, our computers, we live in a completely connected context and for this reason we must be very careful in using the protection systems “.

“This awareness – continues Purcaro – has increased through the informationthrough the training and also through the communication in a very simple way to all categories of users because today it almost seems that we should be afraid. Here the theme is not to be afraid, fear is defeated with awareness and therefore training and information play a fundamental role “.
