Publishing, “Science and Mediterranean flavors” by Michele O. Carruba to promote food education

Publishing Science and Mediterranean flavors by Michele O Carruba to

(Finance) – Health begins in the kitchen: correct nutrition, in fact, represents real preventive medicine. This is the theme of the book”Science and Mediterranean flavours“, written by Prof. Michele O. Carruba and published by the publishing house oVer Edizioni, presented in Milan as part of the XV edition of the Spazio Nutrizione Congress. The work of Prof. Carruba, Honorary President of the Obesity Study and Research Center of the University of Milan (CSRO) which contributes to the conduct and coordination of cutting-edge scientific research, was born with the aim of promoting food education, teaching to follow the principles of science and Mediterranean tradition. A balanced approach to food and a healthy lifestyle can prevent serious, sometimes even fatal, diseases.

Prof. Carruba explained that: “La Diet Mediterraneanthe only one recognized internationally and supported by solid scientific evidence, offers an ideal combination of flavor and health. It represents a balanced dietary model capable of recognizing the peculiarities of each individual, rich in fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish and olive oil, elements that contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases. This diet is not only ideal for dealing with obesity problemswhich are constantly increasing globally, but is also effective in combating malnutrition, a problem that threatens Health of millions of people. Its widespread adoption could lead to significant public health improvements by reducing the incidence of pathologies cardiovascular, diabetes and some types of canceras well as promoting general well-being. In an era in which eating habits are undergoing rapid transformation, the Mediterranean Diet offers a valuable return to origins, with a sustainable and culturally rooted approach that can be easily adapted to different nutritional needs and personal tastes.”

Second Peter PaganiniProfessor at Temple University in Philadelphia and President of Competere: “This book has considerable informative power, as it encourages people to learn more about their diet and rediscover the authentic flavors of the Mediterranean Diet, which is fundamental to everyone’s lifestyle. It is particularly relevant the part dedicated to NutrInform, a tool that helps consumers understand the nutritional content of products compared to a standard daily diet, promoting greater food awareness and promoting personal balance”.

Furthermore, the use of the NutrInform Batterya tool that provides nutritional information on foods and drinks, highlighting the recommended portion and the calorie, salt, sugar and fat content. The “battery-powered” graphics of NutrInform, simple and intuitive, are currently at the center of the European institutional debate on nutritional labeling of foods.

Dominic ColottaFounder of oVer Edizioni, stated: “I am truly honored by the publication of Prof. Carruba’s book which illustrates to us in a scientific way the importance of correct nutrition, in the awareness that this has a profound impact on our state of health. work admirably explains that science and food tradition are not in conflict, but contribute together to our well-being, not only physical ones”.

The book it can be downloaded in eBook format on the main online platforms: Amazon, Google Books, Ibs, La Feltrinelli, Mondadori Store, Rakuten, Coop Bookshops, Bookrepublic, Il Libraccio, Apple Books and University Bookshops.
