publication of provisional results postponed to Tuesday

publication of provisional results postponed to Tuesday

The publication of the provisional results by the Ceni of the Malagasy legislative elections was to take place on Saturday June 8, 2024, but was finally postponed to Tuesday June 11, 2024. The electoral commission also announced that it would suspend the publication of the trends which it had previously carried out daily. on his Facebook page. Last minute changes which add tension to an already electric post-election context

2 mins

With our correspondent in Antananarivo, Sarah Tétaud

A simple “ reorganization of planning to allow more time and respond to certain unforeseen events »: this is how the CENI justifies, through the voice of its general rapporteur Soava Andriamarotafika, the changes it has just made.

This is not a delay, but we need a few more days to process all the minutes. We based ourselves on the presidential election calendar. However, the legislative elections, there is a difficulty because there are 120 electoral constituencies [119 circonscriptions en novembre dernier, lors de la présidentielle, NDLR]. This adds another difficulty, especially for the transport of voting materials which must be taken back to the Céni headquarters. [tout comme pour l’élection présidentielle, NDLR]. »

The justifications are difficult to understand, several candidates confide to RFI, since the logistical constraints are almost the same as for the presidential election.

The Céni spokesperson also recognizes that the numerous requests for comparison of minutes from different competitors have considerably slowed down the publication of trends in certain districts. Concerning the cessation of this publication of trends, the Céni considers in any case that the die is made. “ We have already processed and published 27 000 minutes [sur 28 124]. So there is only 1 left 000 reports to process. So there is no more suspense. »

It smells like a scam, it creates suspicion »

It turns out, after observing the various Facebook publications of the CENI, that the trends of more than 10,000 polling stations are still missing. The case of the Antanofotsy constituency, in which opposition candidate Narson Rafidimanana is trying to get re-elected, is in itself emblematic. “ They only published the trends of 4 polling stations out of 318. Why did the Céni stop, without giving any explanations? ? There were no riots in Antanofotsy : there was nothing ! And why change the dates without notifying anyone? ? Why not follow the schedule they announced ? It smells like a scam, it creates suspicion. This is why the opposition platform created voter defense committees in each of the districts. »

The Prime Minister, for his part, warned of zero tolerance against any troublemaker.

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